FRIDAY MAY 21, 2021
2:40 PM (EDT)
Hanna Sybille Müller
Choreographer, interviewed by Anne Bénichou, professeure (UQAM)Moving through the archive – In Dialogue (in French)

Photo: Véronique Soucy
Hanna Sybille Müller is a choreographer, playwright and dancer who lives in Montréal. Her works focuses on language, movement and their interrelations. She is interested in the strange, both magical and ordinary force of language and the body, and in the way they interact. She is currently involved in two new creative projects, Moving through the archive (2021) and Polymorphic Microbe Bodies (2021) in collaboration with Erin Robinsong. She has also developed a social chorography called Soup-text Series. Among her most recent works, one counts revolutions (2018) and transposition (2016). For close to then years, she has collaborated with Eva Meyer-Keller and their performance projects Bauen nach Katastrophen (2009) and Cooking Catastrophes (2011), as well as a video project, Von Menschen gemacht (2010) are still touring on the international stage. As a performer, she has notably worked with Isabelle Schad, Jérôme Bel, Volker März, Martin Nachbar, TWO FISH, deufert&plischke and s-h-i-f-t-s. Hanna studied dance at the Rotterdamse Dansacademie (RDA) and since 2012, she graduated in Media Studies at Berlin University of the Arts (UdK).