FRIDAY MAY 21, 2021
3:50 PM (EDT)
Simon Baier
Professor, University of BaselEcologize the Institution: The Museum as a Body (in English)

Simon Baier is Laurenz-Professor for Contemporary Art at the University of Basel. He studied Art History and Philosophy in Heidelberg, Karlsruhe and New York and completed his Ph.D. at the University of Zurich with a thesis on El Lissitzky’s and Kazimir Malevich’s work around 1928. Simon Baier also works as an art critic. His texts appeared in Artforum International and Texte zur Kunst. 2005-2006: Fellow for Critical Studies, Independent Study Program of the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; 2008-2013: Researcher at Eikones Center for the Theory and History of the Image, University of Basel; 2009-2013: Scientific Assistant, Art History Department, University of Basel; 2013-2015: Scientific Assistant, University of Zurich; 2016-2017: Scientific Assistant, Art History Department, University of Vienna.