FRIDAY MAY 21, 2021
11:30 AM (EDT)
Jessica Minier
Doctoral candidate, Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO)Charles Le Brun’s Physiognomic Drawings and the Mirrors of the Louvre: Popular Appropriation of the King’s collections in a Revolutionary Context (in French)

Credit: RMN-Grand Palais, Paris, Art Resource, New York
Jessica Minier is a doctoral candidate in museology at UQO. She is interested in the joint acquisition of artworks, by two or several museum institutions, as a new mode of musealization. Her Master’s research, funded by FRQSC and the SSHRC, examined participative curating, more specifically as it pertains to the inclusion of the public in the exhibition development process. Jessica Minier is currently a research assistant to Professor Mélanie Boucher in the SSHRC-funded research group The origin and currentness of the subject's becoming object: recreating oneself at the museum and in exhibitions as well as in the Groupe de recherche et de réflexion CIÉCO : Collections et impératif évènementiel/The Convulsive Collections. She also works at the Galerie UQO as an assistant director and communications officer.