Saturday May 22, 2021
2:10 PM (EDT)
Louise Giroux
Montreal Museum of Fine ArtsTetiana Lazuk
Joanabbey Sack
Zuzana Sevcikova
Parkinson en mouvementImagine Art in Motion (in French)

Photo : Dominic Morissette
Louise Giroux began working in the Education Department of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in 1998 as a cultural mediator. Over the years, this experience convinced her that art is a powerful vector for social cohesion, a positive aspect which contributes to human development, a key element in wellbeing and has therapeutic effects. In 2012 she became an Educational Programs Officer and now coordinates programs for the wellbeing of students, community groups and marginalised populations.
Tetiana Lazuk, a Registered Dance/Movement Therapist, is currently Scholar in Residence Dance/Movement Therapy at Concordia University. She worked as a psychiatrist and psychotherapist in the Ukraine prior to coming to Canada.
Joanabbey Sack is a Board-Certified Dance/Movement Therapist and a Registered Drama Therapist with extensive training in the social sciences, Laban Movement Analysis, theatre arts, dance and music.
Zuzana Sevcikova is a Board-certified Dance/Movement Therapist. She has a Physiotherapy degree from the Czech Republic, and holds a Bachelor’s degree in contemporary dance and a Master’s in Drama Therapy from Concordia University.